Voted #1 Pet Odor Removal / Get Relief Asthma And Allergy Sufferers/ Dries Fast
“The Cleanest Carpet In Denver Colorado…”
For your Carpet Cleaning Denver AmeraClean’s Truck Powered Technology Thorough removal of abrasive soil, pollutants, bacteria, allergens, and residue. Cleans deeper. Leaves carpet drier. Extends carpet life.
Try Us – you will not be disappointed! Guaranteed or your money back
Pet Odor & Stain Removal Services
We Can Help You Get Rid Of
Your Pet Odor & Stain Problems
LARGE & Small 
- Light Odor Treatment
- Heavy to Extreme Odor Treatment
- Pad Replacement
- Floor Sealing
- Carpet Replacement
The first thing we do to find pet urine odor is to find the pet urine stain. We perform a UV Black light inspection. This light allows us to see any invisible pet urine stains on the carpet before any carpet cleaning is performed.
Upholstery Cleaning Denver

There’s no need to panic when your son’s grape juice spills on your priceless Persian rug. Get that stain out in a hurry with quick spot removal from AmeraClean. We specialize in upholstery cleaning.
Hardwood Floor Cleaning
“In most situation we can complete the cleaning and restoring same day and you can be back on your floor that evening with no dust, no odor and for a fraction of the cost of refinishing!”
Hypo-Allergenic Cleaning
Carpet Cleaning Alone is Not Enough
No matter how spotless your home, it is impossible to eliminate or clean away dust mites. And most people can’t bear to part with a beloved family pet even though it is the number one recommendation of doctors. our Carpet Cleaning The secret of the Response Care System is the use of specialized cleaning agents followed by the application of Allergy Relief Treatment on carpets, mattresses, upholstery, rugs and bedding.
Tile and Grout Cleaning
AmeraClean Denver is proud to service the Mile High City when it comes to tile and grout cleaning, We’ve been sweeping up your floors and polishing your tile and grout for years. Enlist the power of professional service at a minimal price.
Commercial Carpet Cleaning Denver

Don’t settle for a second rate commercial carpet cleaning Denver company. Denver has the finest in commercial carpet cleaning with AmeraClean. Our world renowned cleaning technologies take the guess work out of your next regular maintenance or abrupt crisis. Using low moisture encapsulation.
Water Damage Restoration
We offer 24/7 emergency services .When your water heater breaks, pipes burst, or heavy rains flood your basement, AmeraClean Water Extraction services can help. We’re here on call and on demand for you and your family.
Personal message from the owner:
Your cleaning is performed by honest, experienced technicians who excel at pleasing you. You’ll love our technicians. We always do full background checks and only hire the most pleasant, service oriented people. All of our techs are fully trained in specialty stain removal. Most importantly, I’ll give you my 110% No-risk guarantee “